開催概要 OUTLINE 名称 建築材料・住宅設備総合展 KENTEN2021 会期 2021年6月10日(木)・11日(金) 会場 インテックス大阪(〒559-0034 大阪市住之江区南港北1-5-102) 主催 (一社)日本建築材料協会、日本経済新聞社、テレビ大阪(順不同) 共催 大阪建築金物卸商協同組合 後援 経済産業省、国土交通省、環境省、大阪府、京都府、兵庫県、大阪市、東大阪市、京都市、神戸市、(独)日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)大阪本部、(一社)日本建築学会 近畿支部、(一社)大阪建設業協会、(一社)日本建設業連合会 関西支部、(一社)日本建築構造技術者協会 関西支部、(公社)日本建築積算協会 関西支部、(一社)建築設備技術者協会 近畿支部、(一社)大阪電業協会、(一社)大阪空気調和衛生工業協会、(一社)大阪府設備設計事務所協会、(一社)関西建築構造設計事務所協会、大阪建築金物工業協同組合 他〔予定・順不同〕 特別協力 (一社)日本建築協会、(公社)大阪府建築士会、(公社)日本建築家協会 近畿支部、(一社)大阪府建築士事務所協会 運営事務局 テレビ大阪エクスプロ 入場料金 無料〔登録制〕 目標来場者数 15,000人 展示規模 100社・団体、160小間(見込)

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The Big 5 Construct Nigeria 2021

Why exhibiting at The Big 5 Construct Nigeria will help to grow your business The Big 5 Construct Nigeria prides itself on providing you the fastest and most cost-effective platform to meet buyers and expand your brand into new regions. There is no better way to put your business directly in front of your target […]

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Why exhibiting at The Big 5 Saudi will help to grow your business The Big 5 Saudi prides itself on providing you the fastest and most cost-effective platform to meet buyers and expand your brand into new regions. There is no better way to put your business directly in front of your target audience and […]

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International Conference and Exhibition on Emissions Monitoring

*Dust measurement at low concentrations
*Emission regulation and future monitoring challenges
*Fence line monitoring & measurement of fugitive/diffuse emissions
*Gaseous species at low concentrations (HCl, HF, NH3, SO3, CH4, N2O, CHOH, TOC…)
*Green House Gases
*Hydrogen in flue gas
*Innovative Measurement Technology
*Industrial Case Studies (Power industry, Cement industry, Metal industry, Chemical Industry, Glass industry, Minerals and Mining, Waste Management and Incineration)
*Mercury and Trace Metals
*Standards and Quality (Including Measurement Uncertainty and Limits of Detection)

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Expo Clean for Commercial Properties and Hotels 2021

Asia’s Flagship Cleaning Industry Event Expo Clean for Commercial Properties and Hotels, established in 2002, has been developing with Chinese cleaning industry, and now becomes a vane for Asian cleaning industry after over 10 years’ accumulation and development. A variety of products are exhibited at the Expo, such as cleaning machinery, sanitary tools and accessories, […]

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Shanghai International Hospitality Design & Supplies Expo (HDE)

ABOUT HDE Shanghai International Hospitality Design & Supplies Expo (HDE) is the most important part of Hotel Plus – Total solution for hotels and commercial space. Derived from Expo Build China, and integrated with Hotelex which has more than 20 years history, the show has become the one-stop platform for sourcing hospitality design materials and […]

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China Sichuan International Water Treatment Technology and Equipment Exhibition

1. Water purification equipment and accessories.
2. Membrane technology, membrane treatment equipment, and related supporting products.
3. Sewage and wastewater treatment equipment and technology.
4. Technical equipment for sludge treatment and disposal.
5. Water pumps, valves, pipelines.
6. Water supply and drainage and smart water services.
7. Water conservancy technology and ecological construction.

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