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September 15, 2020 - September 17, 2020

- Title
- DIET&BEAUTY FAIR 2020 (19th edition)
- Concurrent exhibition
- SPA&WELLNESS JAPAN 2020 (11th edition)
ANTI-AGEING JAPAN 2020 (6th edition)
- Venue
- Tokyo Big Sight Aomi Exhibition Hall A・B
- Date
- 15 (Tue.) – 17 (Thu.) September 2020, 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Organized by
- Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd.
- Official Publication
- Endorsed by
- Ministry of the Environment, Japan Tourism Agency, Japan Sports Agency, Organization for Small&Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN, JAPAN EXTERNAL TRADE ORGANIZATION, Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy (2019 record)
- Sponsored by
- Japan Esthetic Promote Association, Association of Japanese Estheticians and Beauty Therapists, ALL NIPPON ESTHETIC ASSOCIATION, Japan Esthetic Industrial Association, Japan Esthetic Organization, Japan Esthetic Examination Center, JAPAN TOTAL BEAUTY ASSOCIATION, ALL JAPAN TOTAL BEAUTY UNION (AJTBU), Japan Fitness Association, CIDESCO-NIPPON, JAPAN FEDERATION OF HEALTH&SPORTS, JAPAN HOLISTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY, JAPAN NAILIST ASSOCIATION, JAPAN SPORTS HEALTH INDUSTRIES FEDERATION, Fitness Industry Association of Japan, ANTI-AGEING NETWORK, The Japan Home-health Apparatus Industrial Association, Japan Direct Marketing Association, NIPPON SPA ASSOCIATION, THE FORUM ON THERMALISM IN JAPAN, British International Spa Association Japan, Association of Japan Relaxation Industry, Aroma Environment Association of Japan, International Shiatsu Foundation, Japan Esthetique Research Foundation (2019 redord)
- Number of visitors
- 27,000 (expected)
- Admission fee
- JPY3,000 (free of charge for pre-registered visitors)